Web Quests
Review Pages

West Rubric

Names: ________________________

Teacher: Mrs. Earnst

Date of Presentation: ____________

Topic: ___________________


Not Present

Needs Work


Very Good




10 pts

Audience cannot understand presentation because there isn’t any sequence of information.

0 pts.

Audience cannot understand the entire presentation because there is very little organization. 

1 - 3 pts.

Audience has difficulty following presentation because it jumps around at times. 

4 - 6 pts.

Group presents information in logical sequence which audience can follow. 

7 - 8 pts.

Group presents information in logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow. 

9 - 10 pts.


Content Knowledge

50 pts

No relevant content presented or content provided is overshadowed by numerous factual errors. No project submitted. 

 0 pts.

Group does not have grasp of information; and cannot answer questions presented about subject. Knowledge presented covers only the basics of the topic. 

1 – 30 pts.

Group is uncomfortable with information and is able to answer only rudimentary questions presented to them. 

30 – 40 pts.

Group is at ease with content, but fails to elaborate details and is able to answer most questions presented to them

40-45 pts.

Group demonstrates full knowledge (more than required) with explanations and elaboration and is able to answer all questions given to them 

46 -50 pts.



10 pts

Group uses no visuals.

  0 pts.

Group occasionally uses visuals that rarely support text and presentation

1 - 3 pts.

Visuals are related to text and presentation but add little to the presentation.

 4 - 6 pts.

Group used visuals to reinforce screen text and presentation.

 7 - 8 pts.

Excellent visuals are used that always support the material and expand the audience’s knowledge.

9 - 10 pts.


Mechanics & Accuracy

15 pts

Presentation does not work properly and no handouts are used.

 0 pts.

Presentation had major errors or omissions. Handout is missing or poorly constructed.

1 - 9 pts.

Presentation and handout have a few important errors or omissions.

 10 – 11 pts.

Presentation and handout have only minor errors or omissions.

 12 – 13 pts.

Presentation and handout have no major errors or omissions.

14 – 15 pts.



15 pts

Group does not take presentations seriously, and information cannot be understood.

0 pts

Group mumbles, mispronounces terms, and speaks too quietly for students in the back of class to hear.

 1 - 9 pts

Group mispronounces terms and does not enunciate for only sections of the presentation.

 10 – 11 pts

Group's voice is clear. Group pronounces most words correctly.

12 – 13 pts.

Group used a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms.

 14 – 15 pts









Presentation not presented when called   -20 pts.

Teacher Comments: