Review Pages

  World War II Newspaper 


Today is May 8th, 1950.  In honor of the fifth anniversary of the surrender of Germany, the New York Times has announced a competition for the best Commemorative Edition Newspaper on World War II. Over the next several days, you and your team will be working to create your submission to the contest. 

 In order to meet the criteria for the competition, your newspaper must be divided into four main sections: Prelude to War, Fighting the War, The War at Home, and Demobilization. Within these four areas, your newspaper must cover (explain and give detail for) ALL of the following information:



Prelude to War:

1.  Arms Control: Washington Naval

Conference, Kellogg-Briand Pact

2.  Neutrality Acts

3.  Cash & Carry

4.  Lend-Lease Act


 Fighting the War:

5.  U.S. Joins WWII: Pearl Harbor

6.  Axis & Allies: Powers & Leaders

7.  European Theater; D-Day

9.  Pacific Theater; Island Hopping

10.  Wartime Diplomacy: Atlantic Charter, Casablanca, Cairo, Tehran, Yalta & Potsdam

11.  The Manhattan Project & Truman’s Use of A-Bomb

12.  War Crimes & Nuremberg and Tokyo War Trials


The War at Home:

13.  Victory Gardens / Rationing

14.  Wartime Propaganda Posters

15.  Rosie the Riveter & Women in the War

16.  Japanese Americans & African Americans & the war effort

17.  Executive order 9066 & WRA camps 

18.  Korematsu v. United States



19.  Employment act of 1946

20.  G.I. Bill

21.  Price Controls End

22.  Taft-Hartley Act;

25.  National Security Act

24.  United Nations

25.  Baby Boom


Additional Requirements:


Your newspaper must:

Ø     Cover two full posterboards

Ø     Include at least 1 map, 1 chart/graph, and 4 pictures with captions

Ø     Be laid out like a newspaper page

Ø     Look professional and complete


Be Creative!


There are many other ways that a newspaper conveys information aside from the articles.  Use your imagination to create a unique design! The best Commemorative Edition from the class will receive a reward.  In addition, the best Edition overall will receive an extra prize!


The “Pitch”

 On the day your newspapers are due, your team will “pitch” your design and information to the judging committee.  This will involve a 2-minute explanation of your design and the best features of your Edition.  When all teams have pitched their Editions, the committee will choose the one that will be included in the New York Times. The best Commemorative Edition from the class will receive a reward.  In addition, the best Edition overall will receive an extra prize!

How Your Newspaper Will Be Judged:


Your newspaper will be worth 100 points:


Ø     Information Covering All Required Topics: 75 pts

§        3 pts per topic covered (25 total topics) = _______/75


 Ø     Appearance: _______/15 pts

§        Neatness _______/5

§        Creativity/Originality_______/5

§        Use of Proper English _______/5


Ø     The “Pitch” Presentation _______/10 pts