Cold War

Cold War Conflicts (1950 - 1960)

( The Americans, Ch. 18)


Main Ideas:

1. The world became divided between three ideologies: Democracy, Communism and Non - alignment.

2. American’s fear of communism led to a loss of civil liberties.

Material Covered:

1. United Nations

            a. Human Rights

2. Spread of Communism

            a. Yalta and Potsdam “spheres of influence”

            b. Iron Curtain

3. US Containment Policy

            a. Europe

                        1.) Truman Doctrine

                        2.) Marshall plan

                                    a.) Aid for Europe

                                    b. Common Market

                        3.) Berlin Airlift

                        4.) NATO/ Warsaw Pact

            b. Asia

                        1.) Japan:  rebuilding

                        2.) China: Nationalist v. Communist

                        3.) USSR tests A - Bomb

                        4.) Korean War

                                    a.) Causes

                                    b.) UN involvement

                                    c.) MacArthur v. Truman

                                    d.) Effects

4. Eisenhower and the Cold War

            a. Dulles : Domino Theory: Brinkmanship

            b. H - Bomb

            c. Suez Canal

            d. Polish and Hungarian uprising

            e. Eisenhower Doctrine

            f. Sputnik: fear: Start of space race

5. Cold War at Home

            a. Truman and loyalty checks

                        1) House of Un - American Activities Committee

            b. Hiss and Rosenbergs (1950)

            c. McCarthyism